~ Bespoke Rugs ~
If you would like your own rug made to measure we offer a bespoke service, but please understand that as all our rugs are hand made they take several months to make.
We got our 1m x 1.5m rug made with the shop logo and colours, it took 4-5 months to complete and to get to the UK so if you need anything bigger it will naturally take longer.
As a guide a large 3m x 2m normally takes four people approximately 12 months to make working on it every day.
Please get in touch to discuss your request

100 Squadron – RAF Leeming
January – 2022
Wing Commander Taylor-Head the Officer Commanding 100 Squadron at RAF Leeming seen here receiving one of two bespoke Squadron rugs to celebrate their 105 years of service. The squadron was disbanded in March 2022 and the rugs were due to be auctioned to the Squadron and previous Squadron members for their service charities.

Keep Attacking
May – 2022
Brian Wood MC (‘Woody’) is successful author and veteran business owner – his ‘Keep Attacking’ mantra has been incorporated into his rapidly growing online line of fitness apparel. Woody can be found at keepattacking.co.uk and @keep.attacking on social media. Also look out for his best seller ‘Double Crossed’ available from Penguin Books and at all good bookshops.

RAF Benson
June – 2022
RAF Benson and their Puma force recently completed more than 6 years on Op TORAL – and their links with Afghanistan will forever remain part of the Station’s history. It was with great pleasure that I was able to present the Station Commander, Group Captain Nick Paton DFC, with a bespoke Station rug to celebrate the Puma Force successes.

Island Slice
March – 2022
Sylvester is a veteran of Afghanistan and ex-police officer from Glasgow. With a strong influence from his St Lucian heritage Sylvester established Scotland’s only licenced rum distillery in Dumbarton, which he renamed ‘Rumbarton’! Here he is with his bespoke rug and check out his products here islandslice.shop

230 Squadron – RAF Benson
June – 2022
Officer Commanding 230 (Tiger) Squadron, Wing Commander Andy Beasant, seen here receiving 230 Squadrons bespoke rug. As a joint presentation to the Squadron and the Station, Andy took receipt of the rug on behalf of the Squadron, who were formed in 1918 and have a long list of battle honours -serving most recently in Kabul.