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~ Label STEP ~
Fair Trade

Label STEP has been working to achieve fair conditions in the manufacture and trade of handmade carpets since 1995. It operates in all major carpet producing countries: in Afghanistan, India, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Nepal, Pakistan and Turkey.

“I am fully committed to long-term support of our Fairtrade partners” – James

Label STEP’s Fairtrade Principles

  • For good working conditions and fair purchasing prices ensuring fair wages
  • Against abusive child labour
  • For independent production inspections
  • For environmentally friendly production methods
  • For development projects for better living conditions

These fairtrade principles not only apply to individual handmade carpets of a Label STEP licensee but to his entire range of handmade carpets.

Carpet dealers are obliged to provide Label STEP with a full account of all their purchases and supply chains, to allow inspections to take place and, whenever necessary, to initiate measures for improvement.


~ Label Step Fair Trade ~

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